WikiHouse Pioneers and Founders
Space Craft Systems is a New Zealand-based social enterprise that uses values-based citizen-centred design to craft practical solutions to wicked problems—such as housing.
Our solutions: address all four pillars of sustainability: social, environmental, economic and political.
Our systems: comprise three principal ‘dimensions’ of endeavor: better construction systems, 'Open Value Chain' engagement process and the ground-breaking WikiLab facility.
“‘The most exciting social enterprise in New Zealand’”
Amelia Melbourne-Hayward chats with co-founders of WikiHouse to find out more about the project.
WikiHouse on Twitter

The First Dimension | Better Construction Systems.
Systems which reduce the initial build cost, the ongoing cost to run and maintain and the end-of-life costs of construction. We’ve undertaken significant work to address the wider costs: to the environment and our social fabric, arising from using outdated, inefficient and unhealthy solutions. The SCS construction system is the physical manifestation of our values and aspirations—a classic example of ‘form follows function’. The end goal: to develop a ‘full stack’ building system, bringing together low-energy, healthy and sustainable solutions for every component of the home, from structural systems to services & sensors. This allows many companies to combine their innovations together to create the world’s best, most sustainable, most affordable building systems, based on interoperable standards and design principles.
The Second Dimension | the SCS Engagement Process—a platform for assisted self-delivery.
Even more important than changing how we build our cities is changing who builds our cities. The story of the late 20th century was the democratization of the means of production of digital information and knowledge; now we can do the same for physical things. We make tools to put creative power back into the hands of individuals. The SCS Open Value Chain, and the platform that supports it, are the means to bring the citizen sector to the table as an equal partner in delivery—alongside the private, public and NGO sectors. It provides a tool to assist ALL the agencies involved in planning, regulating and delivering our built environment. The SCS Open Value Chain will be supported by the first integrated, open digital supply chain platform for homes—in the world.
The Third Dimension | the SCS WikiLab.
WikiLab is a community-based co-working, digital production and training facility. In one respect, you could consider it a contemporary ‘salon’; where people gather under the roof of an inspiring host, share and build on each other’s ideas; but then also have the capacity to bring those ideas into the physical realm. The WikiLab has no only has a design office but also a full workshop and testing facility for digital prototyping and manufacturing at scale. It’s a replicable model for distributed manufacturing during the fourth industrial revolution and a place to equip citizens with essential 21st century skills.
Looking for Solutions to our Housing Predicament
download our Changemakers Summary here...
Access our old legacy model from 2013 in our Public Google Folder in folder 0020NZ SCS_005-13-008_Makertorium
We are currently seeking funding support and partnerships. If you would like to support a viable solution to our housing predicament then we'd love to hear from you